Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Bread Day, Bread Day, Glorious Bread Day

I love making bread. The process has so many elements to it that I love. I love the precision. I love the chemistry. I love the smell when I'm done.

I use a bread machine to make most of my breads, so the recipes are geared for that. However, I have adapted many of them from non-bread machine recipes so they can be converted back if you wish. For all of you who read bread machine and think, "cheater, cheater pumpkin eater..." My response is, "So? Whoever has the freshest bread wins."

I don't have one of those really nice mixers with a bread hook attachment, because that is what bread makers use, nothing beats a bread hook for kneading. If anyone would like to give me one I will certainly put it to good use, but to be perfectly honest I would probably still use the bread machine for making bread. This is due to a personality flaw in me I will freely admit to, I am the Queen of too. Too much, too fast, too many, too everything if it can be over done than I can over do it. It is one of the things that took me a long time to overcome in cooking, when a recipe would call for something to be simmered over medium heat, I would crank the heat all the way up under the assumption that you could not have too much heat. The bread machine takes the kneading process out of my hands guaranteeing that I can't knead the dough too fast or too long. This is a very good thing.

I cook for my parents and we all have very different taste. Dad wants ultra healthy food, whole grains, no sugar, very little salt. Mom wants what she grew up with, white breads, super fluffy and rich. I want something I haven't had before. In every other aspect of cooking these very different tastes drive me crazy. In bread making it just means I get to make three different kinds of bread. Hooray, you can't have too much bread.

I've put the bread recipes below in separate post so that they can be looked up individually.



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